Blogging 2006


In looking at today’s web usage of what sites/Internet concepts are hot, one seems to find blogs popping up everywhere. Social Community sites and blog sites are giving way to a whole new communication medium online. I’ve experience a couple big Internet waves that have influenced my life. The first was broadband access which changed how we all access the net. The second was Napster and the rise and fall of file sharing online. Is the third big wave the blog concept and evolution of the news and media online? As a web developer, I was somewhat hesitant to use blog software sites since the sites themselves are template based and users only adjust content. Putting my “code it myself” mantra behind, I decided to jump into reviews of the most popular blogging sites and see what all the web chatter is about.

In reviewing the most popular blog sites today, I landed on and as the two most impressive, popular and well polished. Since I am a true beliver in the Google concepts, I choose as my main blog platform (since google owns blogger.)

Switched to WordPress in 2009 as part of my 22 Blogs program.

I must say that I am pretty impressed by the usability of these sites and the ease of posting interfaces they offer. I encourage anyone that has any thoughts they want to share – to try blogging. Below is a review of some of the best blog platform sites available.


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