Monthly Archives: June 2009


evening at the beach

Recap – We spent one evening on the beach for movie night.  We set up shop to watch the sunset, eat some great bbq and watch a movie with a laptop, mega projector and screen […]


pirate party

Recap – Dr. Bubb through an awesome pirate party last week at his place on shipwreck point.  We pulled out the Cruzan rum and dressed up in our meanest outfits to get drunk and say […]


Caribbean Deep Sea Fishing

Recap – We took a crew out on the water in the deep sea for some big game fishing and wound up catching 4 Barricuda and a horse eye jack.  Great views of all the […]


St.Thomas Adventures

Recap – we took the ferry over to St. Thomas a few times and messed around the island.  Had a great cab driver to cart us around the island one day,  named Desmond… Call his […]


honeymoon beach daze

Recap – How about several days full of no meetings and chillaxing on the beach. Ahhh yes, I might keep my sanity afterall. We set up shop several days on honeymoon beach… just relaxing, swimming […]


cribb villa

Recap – We arrived to Water Island and Chris showed us over to cribb villa for the week. OMG the view! This two story is on the south bottom of the island and overlooks rock […]


us virgin islands trip

Wow! We made it back after a fabulous trip to St. Thomas and Water Island. Editing pictures right now but wanted to get a few teaser pictures out for this place we stayed on water […]


checking out to usvi

Going off line for a week and headed to the islands. We have a week in the us virgin islands with the whole family. See you when we get back.


1 week to go

This is no doubt going to be another busy week but, there is paradise on the horizon. Only a week away from the beach in St. Thomas and water island adventures. Can’t wait.


riding in style

Last weekend we kicked around town on a limo to celebrate. Clearly, it was all clean fun as indicated by Eric with a positive thumbs up.


royals night at the k

Took a possie to the K to celebrate for Chris’s upcoming wedding. This is row R section 144 six beers plus. Good times.