Monthly Archives: March 2009


Remember this guy?

That’s right Garry Cribb Age 29. Living the dream! You go Dad.


Thunder Snow

Well, here in the Midwest you’re never sure what the weather going to do. This weekend we had a round of Thunder Snow move through the area. Starting as rain, then sleet, then snow. We […]



We have to get creative as the Winter drags on in the Midwest… Here we are hosting our first annual batman motorcycle jump-a-thon last month.  Even Scout gets invovled as a prop. [youtube=]


March Madness

Wow.  We are having a blast watching sports these days.  Wesley and Skyler have enjoyed rooting on the Mizzou Tigers in the NCAA tourney this year and we have been watching some spring training baseball.  […]


Wesley's reading now

HA. Little Wesley Age 3 is not only signing songs well he is reading. Check him out reading the entire book of Hand Hand Finger Thumb. [youtube=]


Mr. Alligator

Wesley has got some some skills at singing songs and storytelling.  This video was posted in the spring of 2009 and captures Wes signing a new song – Mr. Alligator. [youtube=]


Can't we all just get along?

The boys are struggeling with a how to get along these days.  Thank god it’s spring time in the midwest so we can push them outside and they have more room to spread out.  This […]


Skyler's Birthday weekend

And the parties keep rolling.  Skyler had a bunch of his buddies gathered up to celebrate his seventh birthday.  Here is the man getting ready to blow out his candles.    


Happy Birthday Skyler – Big 7

Skyler turned seven this weekend and we had three parties in three days!  He is now 7 and we had a blast seeing everyone this weekend.  Sky says thanks for all the gifts, you guys […]


the cribb pets

The pets are multiplying.  We adopted a pet guinea pig for Skyler for his birthday.  He named him Kimball!  Welcome to the clan.  Say a prayer for Scout.  Poor old guy has a major eye […]


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

What a fabulous 80’s degree day here in the Midwest.  I had off work for Skyler’s spring break so… actually a sprint break.  We headed down to the parade and met up later with Grandma […]


Spring Break 2009

Taking a few days off to hang out with Skyler for Spring Break.  This year we are taking it extremely easy and just hanging around the house.  A bit different than the old days of South Padre […]


Wesley Cribb – Age 3

Wes just got his photos back from picture day at his school.  Handsome man!  Boy he is growing up fast, so down kid.



Friday the 13th, 2009 at Sprint was an interesting day.  The company has completed the reorganization and layoffs (8000) trimming off a good portion of fat at the company.  It needed done and Sprint will […]


My Boys

Had a great time hanging out with the boys tonight.  We were having too much fun apparently… When it was time to go to bed everyone was pissed off that the fun had stopped and […]


wesley is a lil kicker

Wes is playing lil kickers soccer out at All American this spring.  He is having a blast and is quite a good dribbler and shooter at age 3.  Only about 15 more years until he […]


March Birthdays

Happy birthday Luke and Megan.  We attended Luke’s 20th party sunday and ate some good food and had a good visit. Everybody loves to sing the happy birthday song – except Wesley…he thinks its to […]


We are family

In the mornings we divide and conquer on getting the kids to school.  In the evenings we split up and read to each boy.  We are a family and for the most part play man […]


Wesley's Day Care

Wes moved to new day care last year and he has been busy leading a new group of peers through daily routines for 3 year olds.  This new group has animals in his room and certain animals […]


Kansas City Wizards

The seas0n is coming up for the Kansas City Wizards soccer team.  I have posted the 2009 schedule here and hope we can make it to some games at community america park this year.  Work has finally […]