Highest Ranking Media Sites

Original Post 03.09.2009
Media search company Technorati is about to release The Technorati Attention Index, which measures the mainstream media websites with the highest number of blogs linking to them in the past 30 days. Right now it has a blog post with the inaugural list. YouTube takes the top spot with the New York Times, BBC News, CNN.com, and MSN rounding out the top five. Compared to the top non-blog sources on Techmeme’s leaderboard, which is a narrower universe of sites which tech blogs link to, the top five mainstream media sites there are CNET News, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and Computerworld.

technorati - ranking the web

Here’s the top five from Technorati’s index:
1. YouTube
2. New York Times
3. BBC News
4. CNN.com
5. MSN
MSN Really?  Who goes here?  I have not visited this portal since 99…
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